Before having children I was a frequent visitor to Xscape Milton Keynes as hubs and I enjoyed regular visits to the Cineworld cinema and restaurants, and I’ve even tried toboganning on the snow and flown in Airkix. But since having children – mine are now three and one – it’s not been our first choice of destination as we were under the impression there wasn’t loads for them to do. However I’m pleased to see more effort has been made this summer to attract younger visitors. From 22nd July until 4th Sept they have FREE Jurassic themed activities including digging for bones and making clay models as well as story telling and puppet shows – 12pm-6pm every day. What we’re most interested in though is the live dinosaur shows. Make a note of the dates and times. They’re on every other Saturday – 23rd July, 6th August, 20th August, 3rd September at 12pm, 1.30pm, 3pm, 4.30pm. Let me know if you go and what you think of it. If you do go you might like to check out the secret soft play there. Ok it’s not a secret but there is a small free soft play right at the end of the café near the ski slope. Don’t tell anyone I told you.
I'm Laura, mum of two boys - aged six and four. I started this website at the end of Sept 2015 whilst on maternity leave. I now work four days a week and do this blog late at night once the little boys are sleeping. It's won several awards over the last four years and I continue to run it for free and mostly focus on free, cheap, and good value days out. Do drop me an email if you want to contact me. Don't forget to follow all of our latest adventures on facebook, instagram and twitter and have a look at all of the videos of the places we visit on the Milton Keynes Kids YouTube Channel - subscribe to it for notifications every time I add a new place. And remember... you may been reading this post months after we visited, do check with the destination you're visiting for up to date opening times and prices. If you find this blog useful then please do comment on my posts and leave me a Facebook review - it makes doing this all the more worthwhile.