Howe Park Wood is in Milton Keynes and is a good sized wood for people local to Milton Keynes. We’ve visited many times over the years but have mainly gone for a short walk and coffee and cake in the cafe. However during May 2020, at a time when we were allowed to go out for unlimited exercise during the coronavirus pandemic I returned with my two sons – who at the time of writing were six and four – to explore further.

Where is Howe Park Wood?
Howe Park Wood is in Milton Keynes. The main entrance and car park is situated opposite Westcroft District Centre. It’s easy to find. We used the postcode MK4 3GG. The wood is free to visit and free to park. For a local woodland it’s a good sized car park and we parked easily when we visited most recently at the end of May 2020. I ‘think’ that there is also a car park at the other end of the wood. The address is 18 Howe Rock Pl, Tattenhoe, Milton Keynes MK4 3BX according to google maps. I haven’t tried it but if the one above is full or you want to walk in the woods from that end then it’s worth a try. There were no toilets open.

What is Howe Park Wood like?
Howe Park Wood is the best wood in Milton Keynes when it comes to facilities. There’s a visitors centre there and events are usually held throughout the year including nature tots sessions for toddlers. At the time we visited though in June 2020 the centre was closed because of coronavirus. From the car park you’ll see the visitors centre. There is a pond there as well as a small play area. The play area was installed in the summer of 2016 and it’s very small – really only of interest for very young children. We love the metal sculpture frog band which are really distinctive and fun. if you want a short walk and have young children you can walk right up the centre of the wood and around in a circular walk. Or you can head left to walk around the perimeter and right around it. It’s full of wildlife and hundreds of plants and trees – so many in fact that part of it has been designated a site of special scientific interest, Some paths are wider than others – we had no problems with social distancing when we visited. The highlight of our visit to Howe Park Wood at the time was a log / den building area in the middle. My sons love balancing on the logs. There was one other family there at the time but it was easy to stay apart

Any tips for visiting Howe Park Wood?
If you’re looking to visit Howe Park Wood in the summer like we did I’d consider wearing some insect repellent. I got bitten and I’m pretty sure it was near the pond. You might also want to wear trousers or long sleeves if you’re concerned. The woods aren’t huge so you shouldn’t get lost – just look out for the sign posts to direct you back. Most people either walk down the middle of Howe Park Wood or go clockwise around it. You can also walk back out of the car park and join the path to go anti-clockwise around it too. If you’re looking to do a much bigger walk then at the top of the woods you can join the path to walk to Tattenhoe Valley Park which is lovely. If you visit after prolonged periods of rain then parts of the wood can get very boggy. In previous years I have got completely stuck so I wouldn’t advise taking a buggy if that’s the case. I highly recommend visiting the woods at different times of the year – during bluebell season there are some lovely ones around April time. The pictures below are from several years ago – not this visit. Do bear in mind that at the time we visited there were no toilets open so I’d suggest only visiting if you’re reasonably local to the area.

I'm Laura, mum to two boys aged nine and seven. I run this website independently and free from advertising in addition to my day job. If you have enjoyed this post and found it useful, here are some ways you can say thanks and support Milton Keynes Kids.
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