
A map featuring our best free and cheap places to play, visit and walk in and around Milton Keynes.

A map showing all of the places my children and I have reviewed for Milton Keynes Kids. They include mostly free and cheap days out such as parks, country parks, forests, gardens and woods. You can open the map in google maps and plan your next adventure. I have so many to add, keep regularly checking back. Each marker includes a link to my full review which includes lots more info and pictures about each place. 

I'm Laura, mum to two boys aged nine and seven. I run this website independently and free from advertising in addition to my day job. If you have enjoyed this post and found it useful, here are some ways you can say thanks and support Milton Keynes Kids. 

  1. Buy me a coffee - Had a great day out or found some useful tips from reading this post? I'm so pleased. Buy me a coffee to help towards the running costs of this website and creating the content.
  2. Facebook  - Follow me on Facebook and message me any great photos you've taken of your adventures.
  3. Instagram - Like my Instagram page - and tag me in any of your photos of places you've visited.
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