THE HIVE, SHEFFORD: If you’re looking for a soft play place where you can more easily keep an eye on your young children, it’s not too expensive and you can have a good catch up with the mummy friends then the Hive is definitely an option *but* you’ll need a car as it’s about 30 mins from Milton Keynes. It’s on an industrial estate in Shefford, SG17 5HQ – postcode almost gets you there – just follow the signs to the dedicated car park. 2 year old loved it and was the right height for climbing some of the bigger steps. Although he didn’t make it on to the big slide he was confident doing everything else. It’s aimed at 2-8 year olds although staff member said it’s mostly up to 6 year olds who use it. Perfectly fine for 0-2 year olds with a dedicated baby area – smaller toddlers will need some support on the bigger frame. On a weekday out of school holidays at around 11am it was relatively quiet but will get busier during the hols.

Weekdays during school term non-crawlers are FREE, Under 2s £2.50, 2 and above £3.50, adults £1. Weekends and school hols it’s £1 more for paying children and 50p more for adults. They have a loyalty card (4 visits then FREE next time). The café is nice. Sometimes they have private hire parties so keep an eye on their facebook page at weekends or call them just to check it’s not closed. If you think it’s a bit far you could make a day of it and go to Campton Plantation to see the wood carvings.


ADDRESS – 8 Old Bridge Way, Shefford SG17 5HQ

TEL – 01462 819096

We visited in July 2015 please check their website for up to date details on prices, opening times and facilities.

The Hive Gallery

A selection of images from the Hive