Wind in the Willows park in Great Holm, Milton Keynes

Wind in the Willows Park
The Wind in the Willows park is in Petworth in Great Holm in Milton Keynes and opened in December 2016. We were really excited to see the work in progress but hadn’t actually had the chance to explore it until early February 2017. Well if you have young children, then we’re happy to report that it’s absolutely worth visiting.

What’s at the Wind in the Willows Park?
As the title suggests, it’s a themed park based around the characters from the story. You walk through a wooden entrance way to discover lots of fun wooden play equipment. My 3 year old son absolutely loved the small climbing frame with the pulley. In fact he spent most of his time at the park lifting the bucket up and putting it down again. There’s also a wobbly boat which I know is a favourite with toddlers and a car which has a steering wheel. There’s a big swing, baby swings and a small tunnel as well as a small wooden assault course with different level steps. My youngest son – 19 months as a I write this – really enjoyed walking around the park discovering all of the animal sculptures and pointing to their features and naming them.

Where is it?
It’s in Petworth in Great Holm. If you put the street name into your GPS then you’ll come down Holyrood then you need to turn left and you’ll see the entrance to the park. Alternatively the closest postcode we’ve found is MK8 9DH. Do bear in mind this is a residential area so do park considerately.

Any tips for visiting the Wind in the Willows park?
It can be muddy in places so do put the kids’ wellies on if we’ve had wet weather. Take a picnic! There’s a bench there where you can enjoy lunch. If you liked this park then do check out the parks section of my website and take a look at the Milton Keynes Kids map to plan your next adventure. Have a look at the gallery below to see all of the pictures we took.
I'm Laura, mum of two boys - aged six and four. I started this website at the end of Sept 2015 whilst on maternity leave. I now work four days a week and do this blog late at night once the little boys are sleeping. It's won several awards over the last four years and I continue to run it for free and mostly focus on free, cheap, and good value days out. Do drop me an email if you want to contact me. Don't forget to follow all of our latest adventures on facebook, instagram and twitter and have a look at all of the videos of the places we visit on the Milton Keynes Kids YouTube Channel - subscribe to it for notifications every time I add a new place. And remember... you may been reading this post months after we visited, do check with the destination you're visiting for up to date opening times and prices. If you find this blog useful then please do comment on my posts and leave me a Facebook review - it makes doing this all the more worthwhile.