What is Urb Farm?
One of our best discoveries in 2016 was Urb Farm in Wolverton in Milton Keynes. It’s home to Growing People – a horticultural social enterprise working with disengaged young people to grow organic, seasonal, fresh fruit, veg, salad and flowers for the local community. It’s NOT open to the public most days – so don’t just turn up – but about every three months they put on a fab FREE event which is worth going to. At the previous two events my children did pond dipping, made a bird feeder, played in the mud kitchen, danced to live music, and had fun stroking the chickens. Each event is different and if you’re looking for somewhere fun and outdoors to take young children for a couple of hours then do go and support them. Food and drink varies – so check what they’re doing before you go and whether you need to take a picnic with you. Although it’s free do take some cash with you to support them – there may be drinks, cakes, hot food, face painting, plants etc to pay for. Thanks so much to Milton Keynes Kids facebook follower Alisa for the gorgeous pictures featured on this page.

When can you visit Urb Farm?
The dates for 2018 are:
Sat 28th April – 11am – 1.30pm – Discover Nature event – Pond dipping, bug hunting, bird spotting, nature-based crafts, face-painting, mud kitchen. All activities (other than facepainting) will be FREE! Tea and delicious homemade cakes will be on sale, alongside a wonderful array of Urb Farm plants, produce, eggs and preserves. Probably best to take a picnic if you want to eat lunch there.
Sat 9th June – 1pm – 4pm – Summer Farm Fest – FREE forest school activities and live music. Available to purchase will be BBQ food, beer, produce, cakes and refreshments, as well as face-painting.
Sat 13th October – 1pm – 4pm – Autumn Farm Fest – activities TBC
I’ll update these details when I know more.

How do I find Urb Farm?
Urb Farm is located on 196-198 Windsor Street, Wolverton, Milton Keynes, MK12 5DR. However the organisers suggest you park on Marron Lane (MK12 5DE) which is off Gloucester Road one of the main roads leading to Wolverton. It runs parallel to Windsor Street which is where the farm is located. The farm is then a short walk down a redway to the farm and will be easily seen. They will put up signs and arrows to point you in the right direction. This is where we have parked and it’s literally a couple of minutes away.

I'm Laura, mum of two boys - aged six and four. I started this website at the end of Sept 2015 whilst on maternity leave. I now work four days a week and do this blog late at night once the little boys are sleeping. It's won several awards over the last four years and I continue to run it for free and mostly focus on free, cheap, and good value days out. Do drop me an email laura@miltonkeyneskids.com if you want to contact me. Don't forget to follow all of our latest adventures on facebook, instagram and twitter and have a look at all of the videos of the places we visit on the Milton Keynes Kids YouTube Channel - subscribe to it for notifications every time I add a new place. And remember... you may been reading this post months after we visited, do check with the destination you're visiting for up to date opening times and prices. If you find this blog useful then please do comment on my posts and leave me a Facebook review - it makes doing this all the more worthwhile.

Hi Laura, i am a 63 yr old grandma who is often looking for things to do with grandkids in and around MK and would value some ideas.
I have a grandaughter who is 18 months at the moment who is coming over from Korea with her dad( my son) and her mum who is korean and they unfortunately wont come here to MK but I will meet them in London and wondered if you have any suggestions for London that would be suitable for her and them??? I wish they would come to MK but my son does not get on with my husband his stepdad hence meeting in London ~ I have looked up on the internet and have some ideas but thought you may have more!!
Hi Genevieve thanks so much for your message. Are you on facebook at all? I have almost 6000 members of a group who may have suggestions for you as we tend to spend most of our time locally. Here’s the link, if you’re not come back to me and I will help further, Laura https://www.facebook.com/groups/MiltonKeynesKids/