Newton Longville Park in Milton Keynes

In June 2018 I was tipped off that the park in Newton Longville had been revamped and although I didn’t have an exact location we decided to go in search of it on our way back from Thrift Farm. Watch the video below to see what it’s like and then scroll down for information about it.
Where is the park in Newton Longville?
The address is Whaddon Road, Newton Longville, Milton Keynes MK17 0AT.
What’s at the park at Newton Longville?
The park at Newton Longville has got brightly coloured green and yellow play equipment, not dissimilar in style to that of the play area at the dragon park in Great Linford. I’d say it’s a park for children aged 2 years and upwards. My son – approaching 3 years old at the time we visited – could easily use the smaller of the climbing frames, and was capable of using the stairs to access the slide on the bigger climbing frame, but beyond that he found it quite tricky. The rest of the frame I think would be much better for children aged 4 upwards. There’s also a nest swing, two baby swings, two normal swings and a couple of rockers. When we visited there was also a sit on roundabout but it was fenced off. The park is fenced off, but a really good size, so still gives young children the freedom to run around but they’re only playing within a set area.

What was our experience of the park in Newton Longville like?
It was really good. Admittedly we went at a quiet time – early afternoon on a Monday in term-time – and there was no-one there. There’s a car park and it was easy to park. The play area is gated so feels safe. I’d like to return at some point to see what my eldest son – aged five as I write this – thinks about it. It’s not a park I’d specifically travel to from where we live in Milton Keynes, but if you’re either local to the area or are also visiting Thrift Farm or Curly Tails Pig Sanctuary (book well in advance) then it’s definitely worth stopping at.

I'm Laura, mum of two boys - aged six and four. I started this website at the end of Sept 2015 whilst on maternity leave. I now work four days a week and do this blog late at night once the little boys are sleeping. It's won several awards over the last four years and I continue to run it for free and mostly focus on free, cheap, and good value days out. Do drop me an email if you want to contact me. Don't forget to follow all of our latest adventures on facebook, instagram and twitter and have a look at all of the videos of the places we visit on the Milton Keynes Kids YouTube Channel - subscribe to it for notifications every time I add a new place. And remember... you may been reading this post months after we visited, do check with the destination you're visiting for up to date opening times and prices. If you find this blog useful then please do comment on my posts and leave me a Facebook review - it makes doing this all the more worthwhile.