I have no idea when this weather themed park in Kents Hill, Milton Keynes was constructed, but at the point where we visited in May 2022 it must have been there for some years. Arguably it’s not the most exciting park we’ve visited, but it’s quirky, which is why it finds itself on my website. This is one of many reviews of free to visit play area in Milton Keynes that you can find on Milton Keynes Kids.

Where is the weather park?
The weather park is located in the residential area of Kents Hill, Milton Keynes. We discovered it by accident. It’s just off the path that runs directly between Kents Hill Pavilion – MK7 6HQ and Kents Hill Local Centre. It’s well worth downloading the what three words app as that will pinpoint the location to risen.fault.chief.

What’s at the weather park in Kents Hill?
There is a wooden circular structure with a slope that goes up it. At the top there is an interactive, three sided weather station where there’s a few things to twist and press. The tarmac floor has a cloud with rain and lightning bolt. Attached to the wooden structure is a small slide. There are also baby swings, a roundabout and a springy thing. The park isn’t gated. This isn’t what I would call a destination park, but it’s a bit different and worth a stop if you’re walking from park to park. It’s quite old, but we liked it’s simplicity and that it was different to many of the parks we’ve visited in the past. It’s suitable for young children.

Where else can we go afterwards?
Only a very short walk away is Kents Hill Local Park. If you walk towards the pavilion, you’ll have football fields on your right and left. Ahead of you, you should see the basketball court, behind there is an excellent park with big slide, climbing frame, net climbing frame, roundabout etc. If you fancy a longer walk then going back the other way you can walk to Walnut Tree where there’s a good snail park or you can carry on to Monkston to a big park with climbing frames. I highly recommend looking at my map as well as the rest of my park reviews, I’ve grouped them so you can go from one to the next,
I'm Laura, mum to two boys aged nine and seven. I run this website independently and free from advertising in addition to my day job. If you have enjoyed this post and found it useful, here are some ways you can say thanks and support Milton Keynes Kids.
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