Pubs and restaurants with play areas near Milton Keynes

Pubs and restaurants with play areas near Milton Keynes

This is a list of many of the pubs and restaurants which have play areas in or near Milton Keynes in 2021. I get asked every year for suggestions, and given that many of us will be looking to spend time socialising outdoors more with friends and family, I thought it...
Horse Park, Loughton, Milton Keynes review

Horse Park, Loughton, Milton Keynes review

There is a cool equestrian themed play area in Loughton, Milton Keynes which opened in December 2020. My children were seven and five at the time we visited and immediately started referring to it as ‘the horse park’ so that’s how it shall be known....
Crocodile park, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes

Crocodile park, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes

A crocodile themed park opened in one of the new estates in Glebe Farm near Wavendon, Milton Keynes in early 2021. This is our review when we visited at a time where my two children were aged seven and five. This is one of many reviews of play areas in Milton Keynes...
Beach park, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes review

Beach park, Glebe Farm, Milton Keynes review

One of the benefits of the creation of new estates in Milton Keynes is that they often include new parks. This is a review of what we immediately dubbed the beach park in Glebe Farm. If you discover this park for the first time and find my reviews useful, please do...
Gyosei Art Trail, Milton Keynes review

Gyosei Art Trail, Milton Keynes review

There’s a really lovely art trail that runs along the canal between Downhead Park and Pennyland in Milton Keynes. It’s called the Gyosei Art Trail and is free to do. It’s one of a number of local walks that are featured on my website that you may...
Caldecotte Lake, Milton Keynes review

Caldecotte Lake, Milton Keynes review

Caldecotte Lake in Milton Keynes is one of the largest lakes in MK and is free to visit. It can be really popular in the summer and many of you reading this will know about it already. However for those visiting Milton Keynes, for those new to the area or even those...